Sunday, November 20, 2011

Austin Meets Houston

The Creek Group family of restaurants must be doing something right, as the 4 of them always seem to have a crowd clambering for some good grub or a good drink.  Their restaurants all bear a name of waterways in the Austin area, as well as a theme focusing on the quirky city.  I was a big fan of Cedar Creek until they got rid of the outdoor fire pits and replaced them with fountains.

I found forgiveness in my heart though and decided to patronize one of their other restaurants, Canyon Creek, located on Westcott near Memorial Park. 

As you can see, the art work on the exterior of the building celebrates life around Austin, with the floaters, musicians, and even some annoying UT fans. 

The interior is no different, an eclectic mix of decorations, and yes even some annoying UT duct tape.  I don’t know if you are catching a theme here, but as a Kansas State fan I have the right to pick on those Longhorns (sorry if I hurt your feelings, but I am still riding high from my Cats beating the Horns yet again this Saturday... BOOM!).

Now on to the more important aspects of Canyon Creek, the grub.  The theme of this breakfast outing was omelets, I rocked the chorizo omelet and my mom ate the spinach omelet. 

The spinach as thick and hearty, almost too much greenery for the omelet, but the flavor was good and the cheese definitely helped counter the overload.

The chorizo was spot on, a greasy Mexican sausage that just adds great spice and flavor to any breakfast dish.  Now as per my side, I decided to step outside of my comfort zone and force myself to eat something that I usually refuse to even consider, grits.  I do not see the appeal to this southern breakfast staple, I mean it is bland flavorless mush, which requires either a ton of butter, cheese, or some other flavor to make it edible by most standards.  That being said, I decided to try their cheese grits, loaded with cheddar, thus proving my point, but my bowl of cheddar with a side of grits was delicious none the less.

Canyon Creek is not a bad spot for breakfast, they have lunch and dinner as well, but you have got to hit the place at the right time, or a parking spot will be next to impossible to find.

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